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Lavanderman front pages 




First superhero from island Hvar, and second super hero in the land of Croatia.


Lavanderman  (with his alias Boris Bunčuga), is an authentic super hero from island Hvar. His power comes from lavender, and he fights mosquitos, moths, insomnia, headache and vertigo. As it suits the place he comes from (city of Jelsa on Hvar), Lavanderman is a first class ‘galeb’(Croatian slang for gigolo who seduces tourist women).


More information on Wikipedia (in croatian language)

Lavanderman 1
Lavanderman 1
Lavanderman 2
Lavanderman 3
Lavanderman 4
Lavanderman 4
Lavanderman 5
Lavanderman 5
Lavanderman 6
Lavanderman 7
Lavanderman 7
Lavanderman 7

Lavanderman movie posters

Lavanderman film
Lavanderman film
Lavanderman film
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Tel: 00385 91 585 7569

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